The Joys of Having True Friends
Friendship is an integral part of life and society. Friends are so important and their importance shows in certain situations which can only be solved by them. But it is essential to differentiate between true friends and false friends. True friendship is unconditional while false friends will leave our side instantly on the first sign of trouble.
Every Grown Woman and Grown Man Needs One
We all need a person in our lives who we consider to be our "voice of reason." That's a person who doesn't have a problem telling us the truth. True friendship is like good medicine. Sometimes it's hard to take, but as time passes it makes us better.
10 Things I Learned In One Incredible 20-Minute Conversation
CONVERSATIONS can be anything from interesting, absorbing, boring, to life-changing. And when we are in a great deal of spiritual flux, we actually need more of those regular life-changing conversations. Here is an easy list of ten clear things I learned in a short conversation on the phone recently.
To Have a Friend, Be a Friend
In the day and age of cyber second communications and informational overloads, we find ourselves working harder and harder just to earn a living. Oftentimes, there is little time left over for one's close family members, muchless for out of touch friends and acquaintances. It might be a good time to get our lives back by making time to draw back-in those close, meaningful relationships by simply making that call.

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