Have you ever been in a situation where you don't want to date a guy, but you just can't stop communicating with him? You may not find him attractive, but you enjoy his attention immensely. Do you feel guilty? Do you feel confused sometimes? If so, don't worry. It happens to a lot of women. Read on the tips below and start making sense of your feelings.
Tip #1: Are you afraid of taking risks?
Are you afraid of the risks that come with having a commitment with a man? If that's true in your case then it could be the reason why you're keeping your options open.
Contrary to popular opinion, commitment phobia isn't something only men are guilty of. Women can also get cold feet about relationships or even dating. Is this the case in your situation? If so, you need to solve it before you can enjoy a committed relationship with a man.
Tip #2: There's something lacking in him.

You're looking for something - an elusive, subtle, but terribly important quality. And he has yet to exhibit it. That's the reason you don't want to go out with him...yet. In this case, it's okay to continue enjoying his attention. Just make sure that you're not leading him on and you've made clear that there's nothing to hope for as of now. Give it more time. It could be that the sign you're looking for would show up out of the blue.
But if not, make sure you let him down as gently as possible. Be nice.
Tip #3: Are you on the rebound?
Simply put, you're not over your ex and having another guy's attention helps make you feel less bitter and better about yourself. It's okay to continue enjoying his attentions as long as you've been completely honest about your situation. Give him a choice to leave and let him know there won't be any hard feelings. If he chooses to stay, that's his risk to take.
Tip #4: You can't make yourself trust him...again.
Now, maybe your situation is a repeat of the past and that's what you're most wary of. The guy whose attention you're absolutely enjoying is someone you already dated in the past. Maybe you even had a relationship with him, but things just didn't work out.
And now he's back in your life and you don't know what to do. I'm not going to sugar coat this. Dating an ex could be tough. Sometimes, the worst thing a woman can do is to keep in touch with an ex, in an on-again-off-again relationship.

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