With the popularity of the pickup artist community today, picking up girls has been very apparent. Nightclubs and bars are the very common places where men think they can find women to date and eventually sleep with.
When you say pickup, most men expect or at least hope to end up "sleeping" with their dates. That could also be the reason why some men got interested into pickup. Looking at the pickup artists who pickup hot women anytime and anywhere are really envious especially if they brag about getting in bed with them.
The problem with this approach is that women are being suspicious with your intentions. Worse, they already know some approaches like the Cocky & Funny from David DeAngelo. So obviously, it won't work anymore unless you're good enough to keep her suspicions away.

Here are the six simple approaches on how to pickup girls at the nightclub:
1. Do not think about pickup. Do not think that your goal is to pickup women. It will only give you more pressure. Real pickup artists are skilled enough to do the pickup strategies. Just stay cool and think of enjoying the night with friends and "new friends."
2. Mingle with others. Going to nightclubs and bars is part of your social life so socialize with others. The best approach to pickup a woman is not to think about picking her up at all. Approach her normally, and start a little chit chat.
3. Avoid using pickup lines. Most dating techniques are too public nowadays that women are already familiar with the usual pickup lines. IF you have memorized some "openers" from Mystery, forget about them. Some may work but its better not to risk and lose your opportunity with a woman.
4. Eye contact. It is one of the most effective way to flirt. Maintain eye contact to let her know that its her you're looking at. But you should be very careful in communicating with her through eye contact. Do not stare as if you're checking her from head to toe. Just flirt a little and see if she responds positively.
5. Approach her in your most natural way. Not because its the most effective but because its what you're comfortable at. If you use some techniques you just heard from someone, chance is you'll get nervous, get blank, or simply flop.
6. Do not be afraid of rejection. Even the famous David DeAngelo gets rejected, too.
Don't be too overwhelmed with pickup. The pickup artist community may have introduced a lot of dating techniques but not all will work for you. It's all about improving yourself, understanding women, and developing your skills. The most important thing in pickup is to be natural.

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