Every relationship has its share of work that needs to be done to keep it alive and happy. One such thing is to keep your boyfriend satisfied when you are in a relationship. Here is a list of things that you can do to keep your man satisfied.
Open up the channels of communication and direct it into a positive domain. Men have a difficult time communicating with women as they have a pre conceived notion that they will not be understood. Change this thought by understanding what he says and communicating your thoughts clearly to him.
Be intimate
Intimacy plays a very vital role in keeping a relationship alive and a guy interested. Have a clear idea about what he wants from you emotionally as well as physically and let him know of the same so that the interest levels remain the same and no one feels shortchanged.
Don't be too biased or opinionated
After a point when the newness of a relationship begins to wear off we start showing our true colors. At this time if you behave in a very opinionated manner or show a bias then he will begin to get uncomfortable. Have an easy relationship where each can express his and her views openly and comfortably.

Appeal to him visually
To keep your boyfriend interested you will also have to take care of the way you look. It is important that you look appealing visually. Men feel very proud when the woman on their arm is hot.
Respect him
A man needs his respect. Just as you want him to respect you, you need to respect him as well. Don't ever insult him or make fun of him in public especially amongst his friends, If you want to keep him interested you have to be dependable so that he can open up to you.
Massage his ego
It pays to massage a man's ego to keep him happy in a relationship. You don't have to lie to do so but appreciating him will make him happy. Make him feel like he is your knight in shining armor and he will remain interested in you as you will be appealing to his protective instincts.
Give him space
Every man desires his own space which should not be invaded. To keep him interested in you, you must never make him feel like he has to give up on this space. Don't make him sacrifice his monthly or weekly boy's night and make him take you out. Focus on having a life of your own so that this doesn't happen.

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