So you are sitting at the bar and you're stumped at what to say to this girl. You want some questions to ask a girl to get to know her. I like personal questions. But because you are just meeting her, start off with fun questions and then move deeper. Keep it pithy and positive.
This also applies to meeting someone on a blind date or an online first meet. Remember, this should be about her. That means you have to LISTEN to her answers and not stare at her boobs!
Good Questions to Ask a Girl to Get to Know Her
How was summer? Any vacations?
Then follow up with:
Now, if you could live anywhere in the world where it be?
More Personal Questions to Ask A Girl to Get to Know Her:
You seem like a dog person, do you have a dog?
Are you spontaneous? How spontaneous? (This is my favorite) Follow this up with something crazy to do between the two of you right then.

Feel aggressive, than try this:
Do you have a boyfriend? Are you married?
Can I hang out with you for the entire night if I buy all the drinks and never open my mouth? (Another favorite and it's funny to women)
After you break the ice, try these:
What are your passions? How many in your family? Do you like roller coasters? Are you into chick flicks? Nice glasses, can I try them on? Do I look as sexy as you? (Sexual overtones)
These are all great questions to ask a girl to get to know her, now adapt questions to fit your style.
The key is you are accomplishing many things. You are hitting on her in a subtle way, you are learning about her and you are letting her talk all about herself. Women love to talk about themselves.
By asking a question about her, she feels compelled to answer as long as it's a friendly question. Rarely do I ask a girl something and she just walks away. It takes just one answer and the conversation becomes perpetual.
Body language of women and observation should dictate your questions. A chick with a tattoo and a loud mouth deserves different questions than the introverted librarian look alike with the sexy glasses. If the conversation is going well, gradually move into conversation with sexual overtones.
Sexy tattoo, what is the meaning?
I love your hat, very sexy, it's such an under rated accessory don't you think?
Questions to Ask a Girl to Get to Know Her, Conclusion
Know your subject. Keep your questions, pithy, positive and fairly unique. Make it about her and LISTEN. Don't go off on your life and don't stare at her boobs. If things are going well test her with sexual overtones and read her body language. Be a nice guy but demand respect.
Finally, make your own list of good personal questions to ask a girl and have them at your disposal.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6602572

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