When it comes to love and loving yourself more, there are not any stupid questions or answers really. There is always just more to learn when something seems silly or stupid about love. It is said that understanding is context, well, understanding the nature of love is not an exception. Some of the most silly things done in the right context can be the most beneficial, some of the most serious things done
in the wrong context can be destructive, if not wrong. What I mean is, like attracts like as energy is either harmonious or not harmonious.
Put any meaning you want into that last paragraph, but here is how I see it: Reality comes down to getting and giving love where you can get and give love however trivial or serious the source of the love may seem to be.
Love is a value that transcends seriousness or trivial silliness really. Although I say that, I am not advocating a love everybody and everything equally without abandon approach to life. I am saying that love must be treated as the value it is and used carefully and not abused. That fact, makes it even more so needed to understand the reality that there are not any "stupid" questions or answers about love, there is just context, understanding and realities about love that we must all face or stay immature. I will say that maturity is fully understanding the value of love. I am not going to say that it is solely that, but I can honestly say that it is a genuinely necessary and important part of maturity if you are to have genuine maturity.
I remember a book that basically agrees with my views on love by Dr. Gerald G. Jampolsky, called "Love Is Letting Go Of Fear." I read it years ago and liked the approach of the book, but, you cannot just read you must practice what is preached and "put the money where the mouth is." In short, understanding has to harmonize fully with action if it is to be real and genuine understanding.
In the above sense, I can honestly say that there are not any stupid questions or answers about love. There are just realities that work, and fantasies about it that do not work. But in it all there is trial and error and understanding that gets you to genuine answers about love when your heart is yearning for them.
My name is Gary Mary, I am a freelance writer based in Nigeria, Oyo State. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, Oyo state as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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