It can sometimes be confusing for people to describe the difference between an erotic or a pornographic photo. We need to remove doubts about this, so that we all speak the same language.
If a photo contains nudity, one aspect is whether genitals are visible. You can find nudity with class, but certainly the less classy things are all to readily available. We live in an age of internet photos, so
we have forgotten the 'old' standards we all followed back in the good old days.
Therefore, another criteria is whether it would be a photo you would show to family members. By now, you will know the difference. But even then, you could say that if the photo is only suggestive without being graphic, you are in the erotic category.
The part that confuses most people is seeing nudity as classy. It all depends on how you present yourself. If the focus of the photo is on the eyes, a special way the face is turned, curly hair that is blown by the wind etc, you are in the erotic category.
The move into pornography happens once your focus is taken away from all the beautiful aspects of the person on the photo. You could say that when you are driven more towards lust and infatuation rather than respectful thinking, then you are in the pornographic category.
We should, however, also take culture into the equation. There are cultures that don't see things in the same way. This should be taken into consideration, as we don't want to offend anyone.
If you do take all these aspects into your evaluation, it should now be much easier to define what is erotic and what is pornographic.
I thank you for reading this article.

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