I had heard of high blood pressure all my life, as it ran in my family. My doctor had warned me many years ago that I had it but it was not high enough all the time at that point to get him to put me on a drug for it. I tried to change my diet, as per his instructions, but figured this was heredity and I couldn't do anything about it.

Looking back on it, going to my doctor for that was my first mistake, as my doctor has no nutritional training and did not know how to get rid of it, he just knew how to manage it. Needless to say dietary changes did not work out too well.
Over the years, it became more of a burden than anything else and I just stopped watching my blood pressure closely. I used acupressure tapping to keep it at bay to some degree and I also worked on my fibromyalgia and put that in remission with my acupressure tapping (EFT). However, I soon started experiencing dizziness and was diagnosed with vertigo. Nothing was ever said about that being tied together with the blood pressure, because doctors don't treat the whole person, they just manage the symptoms you are having at that moment and no one thought to check the coincidence of both being present.
Flash forward a few years, and I started having vertigo symptoms daily and feeling confused because of the dizziness. I did not know it was high blood pressure and was just treating the vertigo. Then one day, I woke up in the early morning hours and tried to get to the bathroom. My vertigo was out of control and I was shaky and very dizzy. When my sister called later that morning, I realized I could not really even talk to her and form the words to speak; I then went to the ER and found out that I was having a stroke. My BP was through the roof and now so were my blood sugars.
Through the hospitalization they put me on drugs to lower the BP and get my sugars under control, but the side-effects of the drugs still made me feel dizzy. I lost the use of my left side and had to relearn how to talk and walk, as well as use my left hand again. However, through the course of the next few months I found a naturopath, Dr. Glidden, whose YouTube videos showed me that nutritionally speaking, my high blood pressure was a sign of a calcium and magnesium deficiency. I also learned that vertigo is osteoporosis of the skull and they were both related and is also a calcium deficiency. I also learned that through chromium and vanadium supplementation I could bring my sugars back into control as well (Another article will explain this one).
So, I got the Youngevity products he suggested and I am now free of both the high BP and the high blood sugars. I'm off all the meds from the hospital. So, now my mission is to help others do the same thing I did. I have tried other products that stated they helped with high blood pressure and had even been on some minerals and calcium products to try to get the same results and all have failed. They were just not in a form that the body could uptake. Minerals have to be very small in order for the body to be able to grab it and get it into your blood stream. These Youngevity minerals are colloidal, which means very small, and are in a formulation that allows the little fingers in the gut (villae) to grab a hold of it and absorb it into your bloodstream. That is why they work so well.
So, I finally found the nutrition I needed to allow my body to heal itself. Now, I needed to heal the emotional component. Once the body is nitrified, any other alternative healing modality you use then impacts the body so much stronger. I consulted Karol K Truman's book, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, and found out that the emotional component to high blood pressure is: Feels a strong need to be in control of everything, allowing people or situations to bother you, letting your emotions and reactions rule you, and not minding your own business/interfering with others. I muscle tested the emotions and found that that I was reacting to all of them!
Muscle testing is a way of asking the body a yes or no question and getting a yes or no answer. Most people can do this by standing barefoot on the floor and setting the parameters for your body by leaning forward as far as possible with straight knees and saying 'this is yes, affirmative'. Then lean backwards as far as possible and saying 'this is no, negative.' Then allow your body to just stand straight up in a neutral position and ask the question. Your body will either pull forward or lean back. It can be very subtle on some people so really pay attention.
Ask about each emotion listed and then note each response. When you get a yes on something, then note that and do the following: tap on your third eye point, the spot right in the middle of the forehead where a cyclops eye would be, with two fingers and then state the following while concentrating on the tapping, "Even though I feel... (say the statement you triggered on), I choose to release this and allow my body and my blood pressure to be calm and peaceful. " You can state other peaceful things you want to happen to your body as well.
Once you are done with the tapping, take a minute to listen to your body and see if any memories come to mind. Then tap in that same area and state the memory and approximate age when you remember it happened and then ask your body to release it.
After you are finished you should feel so free and relaxed... ready to take on the day with the new minerals and new brighter outlook on life!

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