Friends are forever. But being the best buddy you can be, takes a lot of effort and a few good habits. Here are seven good habits that make you the best buddy in the world.
Don't backbite: Bitching about your friend behind her back is the worst thing you can do. As a good
friend, it is essential that you ensure you allow her to have faith in you. If you feel something is not right, go tell her. But don't talk about her flaws behind her back. It's the worst thing you can do.
Be supportive: Friendships usually outlast marriages and other familial bonds. That's because a friend is usually someone you can confide in without any fear of being judged. A friendship is built on unsaid rules and the cardinal one is to stick with them through thick and thin. That being said, support includes helping, lending a shoulder to lean on and a buddy to celebrate with during the good times. If you are someone who is blessed with the knack of making your friend smile when she is at her worst or simply listening to her, be who you are. Do not pretend to do something just because you think it'll bring you closer to that person. Remember make believing that you are someone or something you are not will not last too long.
Speak the truth, even if it hurts: Sometimes tough love is what your bestie needs. Be it telling her that the top she is wearing does not look good or that the relationship she is in is toxic for her. Telling her exactly what you think is the best way to cement a relationship because it opens up the channels of communication - the cornerstone of a solid, long-term relationship.
Love unconditionally: Nobody is perfect, and there are times when your friend might drive you up the wall! But with all her bad qualities come the ones that make her the most important thing in your life. This is why loving your friend unconditionally becomes essential. No matter what, stand by your friend.
Forgive: The foundation of a good friendship, forgiveness is essential for it to last. While you have to draw boundaries for things you would accept and things that are just not worth the effort, it is essential that you truly forgive her when she.
Be reliable: There are friends that you call when you want to party and those that you know will stand by you even when all hell breaks loose. Be the buddy who she can rely on. The strength that one gets from knowing that their friends are always there is incomparable.
Make time for your buddy, no matter what: While calling and spending time in today's day and age is tough, it is definitely possible to send her a text or even meet up every once in a while. It is essential to be around for your friend. Not only will that help make your bond stronger, but it will also help you both feel safe, connected and loved even when there isn't a soul around.

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