Why are some relationships so easy while others are so hard to endure? If you could shape the dynamics of your relationship, would you do it? There really are some things that simply make loving you easy, while other make it challenging and difficult. Many people are completely unaware of potential stumbling blocks to their own happiness. What traits create the warmest loving responses in
our relationships?
1. It's in the eyes! Our eyes are a true reflection of our emotions. Every time your eyes meet you are sharing emotions. Take the time to share loving glances, regardless of how long you have been together. Moments become eons of time in the special sharing of your eyes meeting; deep emotions are stirred.
2. Touching is terrific. There is great power in your loving touch; you can feel love. We are very aware of that power in the early days of our relationship, but as time passes it is easy to become distracted and forget how powerful touching is.
3. Sacred sharing is essential. This goes beyond sharing of things; sacred sharing means trusting enough to share your hopes, dreams and thoughts. It is sharing to the extent that you listen closely enough to hear their thoughts and see their dreams.
4. Smell the scent of love! Smell is powerful. The scent of cologne or whatever is special about the one you love draws you back to the moment you associated them with that scent. Identify smells that are associated with special moments and recreate them often.
5. Take the taste test. We typically associate this with the taste of lips... from a first meaningful kiss. Take the time to taste their lips and you will create an energy bond that will always be unforgettable.
6. Whisper in the dark. Sharing thoughts or even giggles in the dark touch every part of their heart. It creates lasting memories to drift into slumber, making waking up a shared special memory.
7. Cuddles are comforting. Spend the night wrapped in their arms, just like the first time. Not only do you stir the memory of the first time, you are sharing emotions all night long.
8. Talk is telling. It's easy to become complacent about someone who has been in your life for a while. Take the time to tell them what you love about them, even if it's a lopsided smile. Your words remind them of how special they are to you. When silence becomes your frequent companion in a relationship you have begun a singular journey.
9. Support is strengthening. Even when you can't quite 'see the reaching' in their dreams or aspirations, can support and encourage them to carry on. Set aside the disparaging comments and dare to share and support their dreams.
10. Commander complacency. This is the slayer of intimacy, allowing trust to fade and interest to diminish. Don't allow complacency to cause the fire in your relationship to dwindle to ashes.
So, are you easy to love?
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